On April 6th, 2020, we embarked on a life-changing journey: National Podcast Day, a podcast celebrating national days at this uncertain time to be alive. Times remain uncertain but we take solace that we've taken another trip around the sun (moon? cheesemoon?) and National Caramel Corn Day has returned again. Enjoy a brand-new introduction followed by our very first episode, oh, Dom and Nicole, you were so young and innocent and inexperienced at editing.
"On National Podcast Day's much-anticipated National Podcast Day episode (also known as Self-titled), all-star podcasting pair Dominic and Nicole Capozziello take their project to...
This episode took us to the shores of Lake Michigan, returned us to a childhood fave (the Pete's Dragon soundtrack), and led us deep...
In part, bringing a special guest on a show can help the host or hosts look cool. This certainly isn't what happens on this...