In a way, we've been preparing our whole lives for this episode, proudly waving our Italian flags and wearing our oversized Sons of Italy t-shirts, all the while waiting for an opportunity to make sense of our mustaches, our emotional eating, our befuddling last name. On this episode, we discuss it all: the hairgel, pride, and idiosyncacies that make up the ball of tangled capellini that is an Italian-American heritage. We also reconnect with some of the Italian-Americans whose careers in showbiz made our rise to fame as renowned podcasters possible. Asta la pasta!
Thanks to all of the Italian-Americans who contributed to this episode: Alyssa Capozziello, Steven Rauzi, Beth Tripi, Sue Capozziello-Horton, Evan Miglorie, Vito Capozziello, Joe Capozziello, Natalia Capozziello, Adria LaMorticella, Toni Blesy, Tony Capozziello, John Santomieri, and Lacee O'Brien.
If you have any infomation in the missing person's case of Mario Spumoni, please contact this week's sponsor, VH2's Behind the Magic.
Buongiorno! And-a happy-a National Calzone Day! Special guests Vincenzo and Maria join us from their cucina for the long-awaited 33rd episode of National Podcast...
The legend of Paul Bunyan looms large around the Midwest, in the literal form of roadside attractions and the more pervasive effects of eating...
On April 6th, 2020, we embarked on a life-changing journey: National Podcast Day, a podcast celebrating national days at this uncertain time to be...